Interview Questions

What is your background?

What are your privileges and prescriptive authority?

What population do you serve?

How is your practice organized?

What are your "Pearls of Wisdom?"




Daniel Keuning, FNP
Family Nurse Practitioner
Pagosa Family Medicine, Pagosa Springs, CO

How is your practice organized?

We have 2 MDs and 2 NPs at this clinic and 2 more MDs that serve in a private clinic next door with whom we share on-call. In addition our clinic employs an appointment person, a receptionist, 2 billers, 2 RNs, 1 LPN and an x-ray tech.

The clinic is owned by the Upper San Juan Health Service District as a tax supported clinic run by a volunteer oard of directors. We have monthly meetings at which providers can provide input and also monthly public meetings fro input from the tax payers.

The clinic is open 7 days a week. The nearest hospital is Mercy in Durango which is where we send all of our referrals. We do quite a bit of emergency/urgent care that needs consultation with Mercy. We would like to get a digital radiology system going and a telemedicine cart including digital camaras, oto/opthalmascopes, etc. so that we could develop more comprehensive telemedicine capacity. The radiologists in Durango have been more than willing to work with us.