Interview Questions

What is your background?

How did you finance start up and how do you maintain your finances?

What have been your biggest challenges?

What population do you serve?

How is your practice organized?

What have been your most helpful resources?

What are your "Pearls of Wisdom?"








Mary Enzman Hagedorn, RN, Ph.D, HNC, CNS, C-PNP
Director and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner,
Associate Professor
Fountain School Based Health Program
Colorado Springs, CO

Hello, I am Mary Hagedorn, a doctorally prepared faculty and Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Colorado. I am the Director and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Provider for the Fountain School Based Health Program (FSBHP) located in a rural, medically underserved community 25 miles South of Colorado Springs. The program has 2 clinical sites based in the school system, one at Fountain-Ft. Carson High School, and one at the Lorraine Family Community Center that houses the Lorraine Alternative School and is within walking distance of the Fountain Middle School and Aragon Elementary School. The FSBHP provides primary health care services to 5,000 students in School District 8. For students who are classified as indigent and uninsured (38%), this program serves as their primary health care provider. Fountain is a rural community of 10,000 residents that is midway between Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colorado. Prior to establishing the FSBHP, the nearest health services were found in the adjoining community of Security/Widefield. In Security/Widefield there is one family practice with 2 providers.