About this Lesson
Ready for Discharge?
An Issue of Respect
A Patient's Decision?
Family Member
Physician Assistant
Patient Perspective
Ethical Decision Making

Mark, a 43-year-old computer programmer, has been in and out of remission for a rare form of leukemia for the past 5 years. Mark has a wife and 3-year-old daughter, and his parents live close by. His treatment regime has been very difficult and painful. When his disease recently worsened, his oncologist recommended a new and experimental treatment, but Mark has decided against treatment. He has discussed this at length with his wife and his clergyman - and, although saddened, they respect his wishes. You and your colleagues are meeting with Mark and his parents to discuss his decision. As you will see, there is a great deal of disagreement among the members of the healthcare team.

I really appreciate everything everyone has done, and I know that my treatment has given me time I might not have had to spend with my baby daughter. I feel like I'm letting you down....but I've made my decision. I want to stop treatment and spend the time I have left with my family.